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The Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion was originally founded in 1941 to mediate religious differences. Over time the Roundtable evolved to also mediate cultural and racial differences. Before long, the Roundtable became known as a leader in promoting harmony among racial, religious, cultural, and economic groups. Today, the Roundtable serves as a human relations organization whose purpose is to overcome discrimination and racism by crossing generational, geographic, racial, religious, ethnic, and cultural boundaries. The Roundtable’s primary goals are centered on solving two societal issues: 1) systemic disparities related to racial, cultural, and social injustices; and 2) combating institutional and inherent bias. We address these issues by exploring how racism has affected the Metropolitan Detroit area’s ability to flourish by focusing on three key programming areas: Community Engagement, Youth Development, and Workplace Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Consulting.

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We empower individuals to transform communities and the workplace to overcome racism, discrimination, systemic inequities, and institutional and inherent bias.


A just and united Michigan, transformed through inclusion, equity and opportunity for all.

How We Do It

We do our work through education, leadership development, organizing and conversations between law enforcement, business, government, the faith community, and interested citizens.  We leverage our history and goodwill by bringing people together to make this a better community and state for us all.  We accomplish this work through 3 core areas. 

Three Focus Areas:
Our Principles
  1. We bring people together from multiple networks to learn from each other through education and dialogue.

  2. We collaborate with others in the movement from valuing differences to examining barriers to inclusion.

  3. We are unconditionally committed to full human rights while at the same time valuing religious freedom.

  4. Our operational framework for change:

    • Anti-Racism/Anti-Oppression and Critical Race Theory​

    • Historical Analysis

    • Examination of Privilege

    • Inclusion and Empowerment

    • Asset-Based and Place-Based Organizing

    • Personal Narratives and Storytelling

    • Transformative Organizing

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